
Module containing DSC resources used to configure Failover Clusters.

Minimum PowerShell version


There is a newer prerelease version of this module available.
See the version list below for details.

Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name xFailOverCluster -RequiredVersion

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name xFailOverCluster -Version

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


DesiredStateConfiguration DSC DSCResourceKit DSCResource


xCluster xClusterDisk xClusterNetwork xClusterPreferredOwner xClusterQuorum xWaitForCluster


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

- Changes to xClusterPreferredOwner
 - Script Analyzer warnings have been fixed (issue 50). This also failed the
   tests for the resource.
- Changes to xClusterDisk
 - Fixed test that was failing in  AppVeyor (issue 55).
- Changes to xFailOverCluster
 - Added "Code of Conduct" text to the README.md (issue 44).
 - Added TOC for all resources in the README.md (issue 43).
 - Fixed typos and lint errors in README.md.
 - Fixed style issue in example in README.md.
 - Removed "Unreleased" "tag" from the resources xClusterQuorum and
   xClusterDisk (issue 36)
 - Added new sections to each resource (Requirements, Parameters and Examples)
   in the README.md. Some does not yet have any examples, so they are set to
   CONTRIBUTING.md (issue 45).
 - Split the change log from README.md to a separate file CHANGELOG.md
   (issue 48).
 - Added the resource xClusterPreferredOwner to README.md (issue 51).
 - Added the resource xClusterNetwork to README.md (issue 56).
 - Removed Credential parameter from parameter list for xWaitForCluster.
   Parameter Credential does not exist in the schema.mof of the resource
   (issue 62).
 - Now all parameters in the README.md list their data type and type qualifier
   (issue 58.)
 - Added Import-DscResource to example in README.md.
 - Added CodeCov and opt-in for all common tests (issue 41).
 - Added CodeCov badge to README.md
   - Fixed CodeCov badge links so they now can be clicked on.
 - Fixed lint rule MD013 in CHANGELOG.md.
 - Fixed lint rule MD013 in README.md.
 - Fixed lint rule MD024 in README.md.
 - Fixed lint rule MD032 in README.md.
 - Removed example from README.md (issue 42).
 - Fixed typo in filename for ISSUE\_TEMPLATE. Was "ISSUE\_TEMPLATE", now it is
   correctly "ISSUE\_TEMPLATE.md".
 - Changed appveyor.yml to use the new default test framework in the AppVeyor
   module in DscResource.Tests (AppVeyor.psm1).
 - Added VS Code workspace settings file with formatting settings matching the
   Style Guideline (issue 67). That will make it possible inside VS Code to
   press SHIFT+ALT+F, or press F1 and choose "Format document" in the list. The
   PowerShell code will then be formatted according to the Style Guideline
   (although maybe not complete, but would help a long way).
 - Added new stubs for FailoverClusters module
   (Tests\Unit\Stubs\FailoverClusters.stubs.psm1) to be able to run unit tests
   on a computer that does not have or can install Failover Clustering
   PowerShell module.
 - Added a script file (Tests\Unit\Stubs\Write-ModuleStubFile.ps1) to be able
   to rebuild the stub file (FailoverClusters.stubs.psm1) whenever needed.
 - Added code block around types in README.md.
- Changes to xCluster
 - Added examples
   - 1-CreateFirstNodeOfAFailoverCluster.ps1
   - 2-JoinAdditionalNodeToFailoverCluster.ps1
   - 3-CreateFailoverClusterWithTwoNodes.ps1 (this is the example from README.md)
 - Fixed typo in xCluster parameter description.
 - Added links to examples from README.md
 - Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage
   (issue 73).
   - Removed the password file (MSFT_xCluster.password.txt) which seemed unnecessary.
 - Test-TargetResource now throws and error if domain name cannot be evaluated
   (issue 72).
 - Set-TargetResource now correctly throws and error if domain name cannot be
   evaluated (issue 71).
- Changes to xWaitForCluster
 - Added example
   - 1-WaitForFailoverClusterToBePresent.ps1
 - Added link to example from README.md
- Changes to xClusterDisk
 - Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage
   (issue 74).
 - Removed an evaluation that called Test-TargetResource in Set-TargetResource
   method and instead added logic so that Set-TargetResource evaluates if it
   should remove a disk (issue 90).
 - Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
 - Added examples (issue 46)
   - 1-AddClusterDisk.ps1
   - 2-RemoveClusterDisk.ps1
 - Added links to examples from README.md.
- Changes to xClusterPreferredOwner
 - Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage
   (issue 76).
 - Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
 - Added examples (issue 52)
   - 1-AddPreferredOwner.ps1
   - 2-RemovePreferredOwner.ps1
 - Added links to examples from README.md.
- Changes to xClusterNetwork
 - Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage
   (issue 75).
 - Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
 - Updated resource and parameter description in README.md and schema.mof.
 - Added example (issue 57)
   - 1-ChangeClusterNetwork.ps1
 - Added links to examples from README.md.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.16.1 78,003 5/24/2022
1.16.0 2,100,575 3/17/2021
1.16.0-previ... 15 3/17/2021
1.15.0 7,082 2/19/2021
1.15.0-previ... 15 2/19/2021
1.15.0-previ... 25 12/29/2020
1.15.0-previ... 108 2/6/2020
1.15.0-previ... 24 2/1/2020
1.14.2-previ... 25 1/13/2020
1.14.2-previ... 15 1/13/2020
1.14.2-previ... 18 1/6/2020
1.14.2-previ... 18 1/3/2020
1.14.2-previ... 16 12/18/2019
1.14.2-previ... 14 12/18/2019
1.14.1 111,514 12/18/2019
1.14.1-previ... 15 12/18/2019
1.14.1-previ... 14 12/18/2019
1.14.0 268 12/17/2019
1.14.0-previ... 14 12/17/2019 25,466 9/19/2019 50,150 1/10/2019 1,656 10/25/2018 21,155 3/22/2018 7,994 2/8/2018 6,044 8/23/2017 (current version) 949 7/12/2017 15,214 12/14/2016 1,938 8/10/2016 359 6/29/2016 351 5/18/2016 326 3/31/2016
1.1.1 1,120 5/13/2014
1.1 123 4/8/2014
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