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By: | 23,862 downloads | Last Updated: 1/28/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.5

Module to pull telemetry data from windows for corporate environments. This module exists because Intune is lacking with the MDM Windows 10 integration. - installed win 32 apps - installed appx packages - enabled windows features - local users - local groups - administrators - powershell version and modules - cloud join users - bit... More info

By: | 2,698 downloads | Last Updated: 11/11/2018 | Latest Version: 0.1.1

Gainz KeePass Module This module provides cmdlets for interacting with KeePass databases. Fmg-KeePass does the following: - open a KeePass file - return an in memory model of the database - find entries in the database - export binary files from an entry in the database - keeps your passwords protected until UnprotectPassword is ex... More info

By: | 2,565 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.3

Gainz - Password Generator Module Deprecated: Renaming to Gz-PasswordGenerator Provides a new cryptographically generated password. By default, this function will return an array of characters since strings are immutable. $pw = New-Password -Length 16 -AsSecureString PARAMETERS Chars - Optional. An string of characters to use to ... More info

By: | 1,990 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.3

Gainz: Visual Studio Module Deprecated: Renaming to Gz-VisualStudio A powershell module for invoking builds and tests using the Visual Studio's version of msbuild and vstest.console. Read-VsSolution will read a solution file.

By: | 968 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

# Gz-PasswordGenerator Module Provides a new cryptographically generated password. By default, this function will return an array of characters since strings are immutable and stick around in memory. ```powershell $pw = New-GzPassword -Length 16 -AsSecureString ``` ## Parameters - Chars -- Optional. An string of characters to use... More info

By: | 775 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.2.0

Gainz: Yaml Allows users to convert to and from yaml and Powershell objects with ConvertTo-Yaml and ConvertFrom-Yaml functions

By: | 613 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.2

Gainz: Protect Data Module Deprecated: Renaming to Gz-ProtectData ProtectData provides functions/cmdlets that will encrypt and decrypt string or binary data with a SecureString password or a private key made of an array of ytes. By default, the encrypted value will also contain a computed hash of the data to verify integrity.

By: | 566 downloads | Last Updated: 3/23/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

# Gz-Yaml Enables conversion between YAML and Powershell objects with ConvertTo-GzYaml and ConvertFrom-GzYaml functions. ```powershell $data = (Get-Content -Raw ./sample.yaml) | ConvertFrom-GzYaml Write-Host $data.label ```

By: | 537 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

# Gz-VisualStudio Module A powershell module that facilitates invoking msbuild and the Visual Studio test console with powershell cmdlets. On non-windows systems, only Read-GzVisualStudioSolution is currently available. The most useful commands are: - **Invoke-GzMsBuild** -- invokes a build using ms build - **Invoke-GzVisualStudio... More info

By: | 464 downloads | Last Updated: 3/17/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.1

Gainz: Resolve-Stache A module for simple string templates using the the mustache var replacement syntax. Resolve-Stache "Hello, {{ Person }}" -Model [PsCustomObject]@{ Person = "World" } Resolve-Stache "Hello, {{ Env:UserName }}" -Model [PsCustomObject]@{}

By: | 441 downloads | Last Updated: 6/25/2018 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

Full Metal Gnome: Visual Studio Module A powershell module for invoking builds and tests using the Visual Studio's version of msbuild and vstest.console. Read-VsSolution will read a solution file.

By: | 402 downloads | Last Updated: 8/31/2018 | Latest Version: 0.1.1

Gainz: Help Docs Module Create DocFx compatible markdown files for PowerShell modules. This module will create markdown files that can be used with DocFx to generate documentation for powershell modules. The module can be altered to use other formats such as html. The primary cmdlet to call is `Write-ModuleHelpDocs` or its alias `Wri... More info

By: | 383 downloads | Last Updated: 6/25/2018 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

Full Metal Gnome: Help Docs Module Create DocFx compatible markdown files for PowerShell modules. This module will create markdown files that can be used with DocFx to generate documentation for powershell modules. The module can be altered to use other formats such as html. The primary cmdlet to call is `Write-ModuleHelpDocs` or its ... More info

By: | 337 downloads | Last Updated: 3/23/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

# Gz-ResolveTemplate A module for simple/light weight string templates using the the mustache var replacement syntax. Resolve-GzTemplate "Hello, {{ Person }}" -Model [PsCustomObject]@{ Person = "World" } Resolve-GzTemplate "Hello, {{ Env:UserName }}" -Model [PsCustomObject]@{}

By: | 365 downloads | Last Updated: 3/23/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.0

# Gz-ProtectData Module ProtectData provides functions/cmdlets that will encrypt and decrypt string or binary data with a SecureString password or a private key made of an array of bytes. By default, the encrypted value will also contain a computed hash of the data to verify integrity. ## Example $decryptedValue = "some kind of se... More info