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By: | 779,635 downloads | Last Updated: 2/24/2018 | Latest Version:

Module designed to use PowerShell runspaces to create jobs that allow throttling and quicker execution of commands

By: | 91,000 downloads | Last Updated: 12/7/2023 | Latest Version: 3.0.2

Provides access to credentials in the Windows Credential Manager (continuation of CredentialManager by Dave Garnar)

By: | 29,624 downloads | Last Updated: 8/24/2017 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

Simplify using existing Windows PowerShell modules on PowerShell Core by appending the PSModulePath from Windows PowerShell. PSModulePath is not persisted and only applicable to the current process and child processes

By: | 2,742 downloads | Last Updated: 11/14/2018 | Latest Version: 1.0.6

Functions to install PowerShell Core on a Remote Host. Opitionally configure pwsh PSRemoting on the Remote Host. GitHub:

By: | 2,361 downloads | Last Updated: 12/17/2019 | Latest Version: 4.1.6

Provides a simple method of building parallel capability into PowerShell functions and wrapping results in a unit testing format.

By: | 1,748 downloads | Last Updated: 4/16/2019 | Latest Version: 0.1.1

This module enables you to interact with Grafana via its REST API

By: | 1,763 downloads | Last Updated: 2/15/2018 | Latest Version:

A Qualys SSLLabs PowerShell module to request SSL assessment on web server domain name using SSL Labs APIs for complete SSL/TLS server testing functionality in a programmatic fashion, allowing scheduled and bulk assessment capability that encourage site operators to regularly test their server configuration.

By: | 1,730 downloads | Last Updated: 8/1/2023 | Latest Version: 1.1.8

Provides easy to use file and mail logging. Documentation of module at

By: | 603 downloads | Last Updated: 5/26/2020 | Latest Version: 2.0.4

A Windows PowerShell & PowerShell Core Module to calculate a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) 3.0 Score based on a Vector string

By: | 494 downloads | Last Updated: 1/11/2022 | Latest Version: 2.0.0

PSAttck is a PowerShell Module that interacts Mitre ATT&CK Framework

By: | 241 downloads | Last Updated: 2/20/2021 | Latest Version: 1.0

This script installs the latest stable version of PowerShell Core on Windows.

By: | 89 downloads | Last Updated: 7/9/2022 | Latest Version: 0.0.3

A module to simplify working with the Powershell Core 7 Application Insights implementation.