

A curated collection of over 225 PowerShell functions. Many functions written by me. Others are attributed wherever possible.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PoshFunctions -RequiredVersion 2.2.10

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PoshFunctions -Version 2.2.10

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2023 Bill Riedy. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Bill Riedy


base64 beep binaryip calendar capslock color-hex color-rgb color-show computersite computer-site credential date-random datetime date-truncate days-week decimalip display dns-async dotteddecimalip email-address expand-string expand-tab exponentiation file file-encoding file-invalidchar folder format functions gui ini inputbox ip iprange isadmin isdate ishexstring isnumeric isvalidemail isvalidip library macaddress magic8ball markdown msgbox numlock ping-async popup progress random-date registry reverse-string rot13 round savefile scrolllock set-type share-permission share-stat shortcut sid speak subnetmask system timezone urlencode utc wrap-text xml


Compare-ObjectProperty Compare-ObjectSetComplement Compare-ObjectSetDifference Compare-ObjectSetIntersection Compare-ObjectSetUnion Compare-PSGalleryObject Convert-HexToRGB Convert-Int32ToUint32 Convert-Int64ToText Convert-ObjectToHashtable Convert-RGBToHex Convert-SecureStringToString Convert-UserFlag ConvertFrom-Base64 ConvertFrom-Binary ConvertFrom-DateTime ConvertFrom-FsRight ConvertFrom-Hex ConvertFrom-HexString ConvertFrom-HtmlEncode ConvertFrom-RomanNumeral ConvertFrom-UrlEncode ConvertFrom-UTC ConvertFrom-Xml ConvertTo-Base64 ConvertTo-Binary ConvertTo-BinaryIPv4 ConvertTo-Bool ConvertTo-DateTime ConvertTo-DecimalIPv4 ConvertTo-DottedDecimalIPv4 ConvertTo-Hex ConvertTo-HexString ConvertTo-HtmlEncode ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary ConvertTo-RomanNumeral ConvertTo-UncPath ConvertTo-UrlEncode ConvertTo-UTC Copy-Object Eexit Expand-IPv6 Expand-String Expand-Tab Export-CSVSortedColumn Export-FontSample FileSizeAbove FileSizeBelow Format-MacAddress Format-RandomCase Format-ReverseString Format-ReverseToken Format-SortedList Format-TitleCase Format-WrapText Get-AppEventSound Get-ArpTable Get-Assoc Get-BashPath Get-BinaryType Get-CeasarCipher Get-ComputerSite Get-ComputerUptime Get-ConsoleWindowSize Get-DiceRoll Get-DiskType Get-DisplayBrightness Get-DNSHostEntryAsync Get-DriveStat Get-DuplicateFileName Get-Enum Get-ErrorInfo Get-ExecutableForFile Get-Factorial Get-FileEncoding Get-FileName Get-FileSizeOnDisk Get-FileWithLeadingSpace Get-FolderName Get-Font Get-Fortune Get-Ftype Get-InvalidFileCharacter Get-IpRange Get-IpV4Network Get-LastDayInMonth Get-List Get-LongName Get-MachineType Get-MacVendor Get-Magic8Ball Get-MyLocalLogonTime Get-NetworkCredential Get-NTFSPermission Get-NtpDate Get-Power Get-PrintableAscii Get-PrivateProfileComment Get-PrivateProfileSection Get-PrivateProfileSectionNames Get-PrivateProfileString Get-ProcessUser Get-PSWho Get-RandomDate Get-RandomHexDigit Get-RandomMacAddress Get-RegExpandString Get-RegistryValue Get-RelativePath Get-Round Get-SaveFileName Get-ScheduledTaskUser Get-ServiceUser Get-Shortcut Get-ShortName Get-SID Get-SpecialFolder Get-SqlDatabase Get-SqlIndexFragmentation Get-SqlStoredProcedure Get-StaticProperty Get-String Get-StringHash Get-SubnetMaskIPv4 Get-TruncatedDate Get-Type Get-TypeAccelerator Get-UrlContent Get-VssAdminListVolumes Get-VssAdminListWriters Get-WordCount Get-WordList grep Invoke-Beep Invoke-CountdownTimer Invoke-SoundPlayer Invoke-Speak Join-Object Lock-Workstation Measure-Char Merge-Object mklink Move-ToRecycleBin New-ColorPicker New-Credential New-DatePicker New-FontPicker New-InputBox New-InputBoxSecureString New-MessageBox New-PFDateFormat New-QR New-RandomPassword New-Screenshot New-Shortcut Optimize-SqlIndexFragmentation Optimize-SqlStoredProcedure Out-PDFToPrinter Read-HostWithDefault Remove-BlankOrComment Remove-EmptyProperty Remove-QuotesFromCsv Remove-TeamsCache Remove-Trailing Reset-Desktop Resolve-FQDN Resolve-HostName sed Set-Capslock Set-Display Set-EOLTerminator Set-FileEncoding Set-Numlock Set-PrivateProfileComment Set-PrivateProfileString Set-Scrolllock Set-SpeakerVolume Set-Type Set-WindowState Set-WindowStyle Show-AllColor Show-Calendar Show-Color Show-ColorsWithBackground Show-DaysOfWeek Show-FileAttribute Show-FsRight Show-Month Show-NamedColor Show-Object Show-Progress Show-ShortDaysOfWeek Show-ShortMonth Show-SubnetMaskIPv4 Show-Timezone Split-CanonicalName Split-DistinguishedName Split-Line Start-ADReplication Start-RecordSession Stop-RecordSession Switch-Mute Test-ConnectionAsync Test-CSVFormat Test-IsAdmin Test-IsCapsLock Test-IsDate Test-IsFileLocked Test-IsHexString Test-IsLocalIPv4 Test-IsNull Test-IsNumeric Test-IsNumLock Test-IsScrollLock Test-IsValidEmailAddress Test-IsValidIPv4 Test-IsValidIPv6 Test-MultipleBool Test-Network Test-NtpDateVsNow Test-Password Test-PasswordComplexity Test-Port Test-Set Update-ExplorerIcon Use-Stopwatch Write-SelectStatement Write-StringArray Write-StringHash Write-TextMenu


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

For full release notes see .\Resources\ReleaseNotes.txt
### 2.2.10
* added Get-AppEventsSound - determines sounds configured for Windows events
* added Get-ConsoleWindowSize - returns both the window size and buffer size of current console window
* added Get-DiskType - returns the type of disk and type of bus for a given computer(s) local disk(s)
* added Get-FileSizeOnDisk - returns actual disk usage when NTFS compression is enabled for file(s)
* added Get-IpV4Network - to determine network given IP address and subnet mask
* added Get-StringHash - to send a string, or array of strings through a hashing function
* added Set-EOLTerminator - to convert a text file to either Unix, Mac, or Windows EOL characters
* added Set-FileEncoding - to set the file encoding on a text file
* added Set-WindowState - to minimize/maximize a window
* added Test-CSVFormat - determine if number of fields match header row
* removed Get-MD5Sum - functionality already present in Get-FileHash available in Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility module
* updated ConvertFrom-Base64 - added $EncodingType to provide support for Ascii, UTF32, etc. encoding
* updated ConvertTo-Base64 - added $EncodingType to provide support for Ascii, UTF32, etc. encoding
* updated Get-CaesarCipher - to allow negative rotation
* updated Get-FileEncoding - allow processing of multiple files, output now shows both encoding and fullname of file
* updated Get-PrivateProfileSection - fixed error when ini value contains a backslash '\'
* updated Get-SqlIndexFragmentation - fixed ???
* updated Invoke-Beep - fixed ???
* updated Invoke-SoundPlayer - performed a .Dispose() as part of cleanup
* updated New-InputBoxSecureString - correct equality test to be case sensitive

### 2.2.9
* added ConvertFrom-HexString - converting a hex string back to plain text: '41' -> 'A'
* added ConvertTo-HexString = converting plain text to a hex string: 'A' -> '41'
* added Get-ErrorInfo - explain please
* added Get-Factorial - calculates the factorial of a number 1-20. Higher than 20 results in overflow of [int64] datatype
* added Invoke-SoundPlayer - will play a .wav file
* added Split-CanonicalName - splits an AD canonical name into either -Parent or -Leaf
* added Split-DistinguishedName - splits an AD distinguished name into either -Parent or -Leaf
* added Write-SelectStatement - helper function to write a select statement for properties and converts properties that are arrays to a delimited string. Helpful when exporting complex object to CSV
* updated Compare-ObjectProperty - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Convert-Int32ToUint32 - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Convert-Int64ToText - fixed trailing space with .Trim()
* updated ConvertFrom-FsRight - removed $MatchFound | Out-Null, replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist], fixed logic error with Combo rights and IncludeInput
* updated Copy-Object - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Expand-IPv6 - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Export-FontSample - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Format-RandomCase - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Format-WrapText - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-CeasarCipher - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-ComputerUptime - added Credential
* updated Get-DisplayBrightness - added Credential, fixed error if not running on laptop monitor
* updated Get-Enum - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-Font - minor logic fix in Where-Object statement that previously returned no results
* updated Get-IpRange - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-MachineType - added Credential
* updated Get-MacVendor - replaced Invoke-RestMethod with curl.exe as it was no longer returning correct results
* updated Get-NTFSPermission - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-NtpDate - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Get-PSWho - added Credential
* updated Get-PrintableAscii - updated logic to replace ' ' with '(Space)'
* updated Get-PrivateProfileString - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Get-ProcessUser - added Credential
* updated Get-ScheduledTaskUser - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist], added Credential
* updated Get-ServiceUser - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist], added Credential
* updated Get-SqlDatabase - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-SqlStoredProcedure - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-Type - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Get-TypeAccelerator - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Invoke-Speak - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Measure-Char - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Merge-Object - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated New-Shortcut - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Optimize-SQLIndexFragmentation - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Optimize-SQLStoredProcedure - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Set-Display - added Credential
* updated Set-PrivateProfileComment - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Set-WindowStyle - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Show-Calendar - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Show-FsRight - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Show-NamedColor - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Show-Object - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Show-Progress - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Start-ADReplication - added Credential
* updated Start-RecordSession - replace piping to Out-Null to $null =
* updated Test-IsDate - removed [DateTime] $d | Out-Null
* updated Test-IsNumeric - replaced piping to Out-Null with saving to a variable
* updated Test-MultipleBool - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Test-Password - added Credential
* updated Write-StringArray - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Write-StringHash - changed type of -Hash and error check for hashtable or arraylist
* updated Write-StringHash - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]
* updated Write-TextMenu - replaced += with [System.Collections.Arraylist]


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
2.2.11 1,224 7/5/2024
2.2.10 (current version) 14,826 10/30/2023
2.2.9 6,843 9/30/2022
2.2.8 1,369 2/25/2022
2.2.7 236 11/17/2021
2.2.6 217 8/2/2021
2.2.5 12 8/2/2021
2.2.4 53 6/30/2021
2.2.3 35 6/3/2021 216 3/23/2021 69 2/15/2021 30 2/8/2021 63 12/17/2020 88 10/27/2020 34 10/12/2020 13 10/12/2020
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