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By: | 548,268 downloads | Last Updated: 10/19/2022 | Latest Version: 1.1.4

Plaster scaffolds PowerShell projects and files.

By: | 2,552 downloads | Last Updated: 2/12/2019 | Latest Version: 2.1.1

A module that contains functions to scaffold PowerShell module structures, new functions and Pester tests. See the GitHub Repository for more information.

By: | 1,673 downloads | Last Updated: 4/25/2020 | Latest Version: 0.3.0

A scaffolding framework which can be used to kickstart a generic PowerShell module project.

By: | 768 downloads | Last Updated: 1/31/2017 | Latest Version: 0.3.0

Psst creates files from templates.

By: | 762 downloads | Last Updated: 4/28/2018 | Latest Version: 1.1.1

Plaster templates for publishable modules and scripts.

By: | 341 downloads | Last Updated: 3/6/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.4

Designed to provide a ready-to-run scaffold for Universal Dashboard. Inspired by (and built upon) UDTemplate.

By: | 327 downloads | Last Updated: 4/24/2020 | Latest Version: 0.0.1

Build tools for the ModuleBuild Project

By: | 277 downloads | Last Updated: 8/21/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.1-beta0006

Provides Plaster templates for the quick creation of PowerShell items and projects

By: | 136 downloads | Last Updated: 3/28/2022 | Latest Version: 1.0.2

A module that created the required structure needed for your own powershell module.