
By: | 2,469 downloads | Last Updated: 2/7/2024 | Latest Version: 2.1.24038.25485

Commands to deploy Microsoft BizTalk Server Applications supported by a deployment framework featuring a declarative task model.

By: | 1,285 downloads | Last Updated: 1/25/2022 | Latest Version: 2.1.22025.56468

Commands to administrate, configure, and explore BizTalk Server.


By: | 1,257 downloads | Last Updated: 7/26/2022 | Latest Version: 2.1.22207.25491

Useful PowerShell functions and commands.

By: | 1,156 downloads | Last Updated: 8/1/2022 | Latest Version: 2.1.22213.25488

Commands to define and process resource manifests that can later be used to drive operations, in a declarative way, according to the nature of the resources to operate upon.

By: | 1,068 downloads | Last Updated: 4/6/2022 | Latest Version: 2.1.22096.35554

Configuration DSL library and PowerShell commands for general purpose XML configuration file edition.

By: | 773 downloads | Last Updated: 1/25/2022 | Latest Version: 2.1.22025.55938

Commands to work with external executables.