
Module for CyberArk Privileged Access Security Web Service REST API

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name psPAS -RequiredVersion 3.1.13

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name psPAS -Version 3.1.13

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2018 Pete Maan. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Pete Maan


CyberArk REST API Security


New-PASSession Close-PASSession Add-PASPublicSSHKey Get-PASPublicSSHKey Remove-PASPublicSSHKey Add-PASAccount Get-PASAccount Remove-PASAccount Set-PASAccount Add-PASSafe Set-PASSafe Remove-PASSafe Add-PASSafeMember Set-PASSafeMember Remove-PASSafeMember Get-PASPolicyACL Add-PASPolicyACL Remove-PASPolicyACL Get-PASAccountACL Add-PASAccountACL Remove-PASAccountACL Get-PASApplication Add-PASApplication Add-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod Remove-PASApplication Remove-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod Unblock-PASUser Set-PASUser Remove-PASUser New-PASUser Get-PASUser Get-PASLoggedOnUser Add-PASGroupMember Get-PASAccountActivity Add-PASPendingAccount Get-PASSafe Add-PASAccountGroupMember New-PASAccountGroup New-PASOnboardingRule Get-PASOnboardingRule Remove-PASOnboardingRule Get-PASServer Get-PASSafeShareLogo Get-PASServerWebService Get-PASAccountPassword Get-PASSafeMember Get-PASApplicationAuthenticationMethod Get-PASPlatform Unlock-PASAccount Get-PASAccountGroup Get-PASAccountGroupMember Remove-PASAccountGroupMember New-PASRequest Remove-PASRequest Approve-PASRequest Deny-PASRequest Get-PASRequest Get-PASRequestDetail Get-PASPSMConnectionParameter Get-PASPSMRecording Get-PASPSMSession Stop-PASPSMSession Get-PASComponentSummary Get-PASComponentDetail Suspend-PASPSMSession Resume-PASPSMSession Import-PASPlatform Import-PASConnectionComponent Export-PASPlatform Get-PASUserLoginInfo Get-PASDirectory Add-PASDirectory New-PASDirectoryMapping Get-PASPTAEvent Get-PASPTARemediation Set-PASPTARemediation Get-PASPTARule Set-PASPTARule Add-PASPTARule Get-PASGroup Remove-PASGroupMember Set-PASOnboardingRule Add-PASDiscoveredAccount Connect-PASPSMSession Get-PASPSMSessionActivity Get-PASPSMRecordingActivity Get-PASPSMRecordingProperty Get-PASPSMSessionProperty Export-PASPSMRecording Request-PASAdHocAccess Get-PASDirectoryMapping Remove-PASDirectory Set-PASDirectoryMapping Find-PASSafe Get-PASSession Use-PASSession Invoke-PASCPMOperation Set-PASUserPassword Set-PASDirectoryMappingOrder


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
6.4.85 44,539 6/4/2024
6.4.80 3,235 5/1/2024
6.3.78 3,617 3/21/2024
6.2.68 3,178 2/20/2024
6.1.62 1,362 2/7/2024
6.1.50 1,027 2/1/2024
6.0.30 8,200 11/13/2023
6.0.21 2,516 10/8/2023
6.0.18 147 10/5/2023
6.0.4 4,718 9/6/2023
6.0.2 1,069 8/22/2023
5.6.135 1,533 7/31/2023
5.5.110 8,311 3/7/2023
5.4.101 14,317 11/20/2022
5.4.94 1,598 9/26/2022
5.3.76 1,200 8/17/2022
5.3.69 866 7/26/2022
5.2.59 12,230 11/7/2021
5.2.54 2,915 7/28/2021
5.2.52 110 7/27/2021
5.1.44 488 7/13/2021
5.1.37 448 6/28/2021
5.1.21 554 6/6/2021
5.1.16 316 5/23/2021
5.0.0 942 4/11/2021
4.5.90 2,330 11/25/2020
4.5.87 40 11/25/2020
4.4.71 21,883 8/23/2020
4.3.65 76 8/20/2020
4.3.62 173 8/13/2020
4.2.26 252 7/27/2020
4.1.11 279 7/14/2020
4.0.0 265 6/30/2020
3.5.8 1,758 4/2/2020
3.5.0 5,028 3/15/2020
3.4.100 774 1/27/2020
3.3.88 776 12/13/2019
3.2.37 989 9/17/2019
3.2.34 64 9/11/2019
3.2.32 65 9/5/2019
3.2.30 77 9/1/2019
3.2.27 38 9/1/2019
3.1.13 (current version) 363 7/19/2019
3.1.10 60 7/16/2019
3.1.7 41 7/13/2019
3.1.5 100 7/7/2019
3.0.0 86 7/1/2019
2.6.17 403 5/16/2019
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