
By: | 1,366,728 downloads | Last Updated: 10/6/2023 | Latest Version:

Chocolatey DSC Resources for use with internal packages and the community package repository. Learn more at

By: | 1,090 downloads | Last Updated: 4/22/2018 | Latest Version: 0.0.1

Windows Management

By: | 807 downloads | Last Updated: 10/23/2020 | Latest Version: 1.3.2

PowerShell implementation of the Todo.txt CLI

By: | 788 downloads | Last Updated: 2/10/2024 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

Provides a class for managing version numbers compatible with the Chocolatey Community Repository. This is unofficial and not endoresed by Chocolatey Software.

By: | 740 downloads | Last Updated: 6/3/2020 | Latest Version: 0.2.0

Manage Nexus 3 Repository Manager.

By: | 708 downloads | Last Updated: 7/9/2018 | Latest Version: 0.3.1

PowerShell module build helper functions.

By: | 506 downloads | Last Updated: 4/4/2019 | Latest Version: 0.2.0

A collection of helper functions to use with Pester tests.

By: | 468 downloads | Last Updated: 8/2/2018 | Latest Version: 0.2.2

Provide helper functions for managing Vagrant.