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By: | 629,881 downloads | Last Updated: 7/26/2020 | Latest Version:

Lightweight PowerShell module to send DataDog metrics and events via DogStatsD custom UDP protocol.

By: | 345,374 downloads | Last Updated: 8/27/2021 | Latest Version: 2.2.0-preview1

PoShLog is powershell logging module. PoShLog allows you to log structured event data into console, file and much more places easily. It is wrapper of great C# logging library Serilog - For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 39,944 downloads | Last Updated: 3/29/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

PoShLog.Enrichers is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains lot of helpful enricher methods, useful with enriching log messages. For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 3,372 downloads | Last Updated: 3/21/2016 | Latest Version: 2.0.0

The PSMultiLog module is designed to simultaneously write log output to multiple log targets. Supported targets include logging to a file, to the Windows Event Log, and sending an e-mail. The module is used by turning on the desired log targets and then calling the Write-Log Cmdlet.

By: | 7,757 downloads | Last Updated: 7/13/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

PoShLog.Sinks.Seq is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that publishes log messages to Seq - For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 5,934 downloads | Last Updated: 1/30/2024 | Latest Version: 1.0.4

PoShLog.Sinks.Splunk is an extension module for the PoShLog core library - It contains sink that publishes log messages to a Splunk HTTP Event Collector, and wraps the Serilog.Sinks.Splunk dotnet sink. For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 1,783 downloads | Last Updated: 1/23/2017 | Latest Version: 0.41.0

Derive measurements (facts per an observer) from ETL data. Wraps TraceEvent

By: | 1,523 downloads | Last Updated: 7/11/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

PoShLog.Sinks.EventLog is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that writes events to the Windows Event Log. For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 580 downloads | Last Updated: 9/1/2017 | Latest Version:

This module contains setup and logging wrappers for logging to the local Application Windows Eventlog channel, including adding an optional GUID identifier to events for differentiating two instances of the same script running at the same time. Color coded host output is included, if a host is available.

By: | 461 downloads | Last Updated: 4/12/2018 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

This module allows for the writing of various types of logs. By default, those log entries are written back to the host using the same data stream.

By: | 464 downloads | Last Updated: 3/16/2022 | Latest Version: 1.1

To enable script execution, you may need to Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force This script will optionally enable / disable debug and analytic event logs. This can be against both local and remote machines. It will also take a regex filter pattern for both event log names and traces. For each match, all event logs will be exported to csv format. Ea... More info

By: | 890 downloads | Last Updated: 3/29/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

PoShLog.Enrichers is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that publishes log messages to Exceptionless - For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 564 downloads | Last Updated: 6/30/2024 | Latest Version: 1.1.14

Assorted Utilities to make your day happier than inhaling a party balloon.

By: | 583 downloads | Last Updated: 11/16/2023 | Latest Version: 1.0.1

PoShLog.Sinks.Http is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that publishes log messages into given server over the network using HTTP POST.

By: | 557 downloads | Last Updated: 10/7/2020 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

PoShLog.Sinks.Syslog is an extension module for the PoShLog core library - It contains a sink that writes events to syslog servers. For more documentation about PoShLog, check out the PoShLog wiki -

By: | 302 downloads | Last Updated: 4/28/2023 | Latest Version: 23.4.28

Log user log on and off activity to a txt file and optionally to Teams. Run with -help or no arguments for usage.

By: | 271 downloads | Last Updated: 11/10/2022 | Latest Version: 0.1.1

PoShLog.Sinks.DataDog is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that publishes log messages to DataDog For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 181 downloads | Last Updated: 5/5/2021 | Latest Version: 1.0.0-preview1

PoShLog.Sinks.MSSqlServer is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that writes log messages into MSSQL database. For documentation check PoShLog wiki -

By: | 71 downloads | Last Updated: 11/12/2021 | Latest Version: 1.0.0

Collects Application and System event logs from local machine. Also collects installed win32 applications, OS Info, and cleans up after itself. Zips files onto users desktop for ease of access.

By: | 39 downloads | Last Updated: 12/13/2022 | Latest Version: 4.0.4

PoShLog.Sinks.ElmahIo is extension module for PoShLog core library - It contains sink that publishes log messages to - For documentation check PoShLog wiki -