Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Cmdlets to manage resources in Azure. This module is compatible with WindowsPowerShell and PowerShell Core.
For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Microsoft Corporation
Azure ARM ResourceManager Linux AzureAutomationNotSupported
- Az.Accounts (>= 1.7.1)
- Az.Advisor (= 1.1.1)
- Az.Aks (= 1.0.3)
- Az.AnalysisServices (= 1.1.2)
- Az.ApiManagement (= 1.3.4)
- Az.ApplicationInsights (= 1.0.3)
- Az.Automation (= 1.3.5)
- Az.Batch (= 2.0.2)
- Az.Billing (= 1.0.2)
- Az.Cdn (= 1.4.2)
- Az.CognitiveServices (= 1.2.2)
- Az.Compute (= 3.4.0)
- Az.ContainerInstance (= 1.0.3)
- Az.ContainerRegistry (= 1.1.1)
- Az.DataBoxEdge (= 1.1.0)
- Az.DataFactory (= 1.6.1)
- Az.DataLakeAnalytics (= 1.0.2)
- Az.DataLakeStore (= 1.2.6)
- Az.DeploymentManager (= 1.1.0)
- Az.DevTestLabs (= 1.0.2)
- Az.Dns (= 1.1.2)
- Az.EventGrid (= 1.2.3)
- Az.EventHub (= 1.4.3)
- Az.FrontDoor (= 1.3.0)
- Az.HDInsight (= 3.0.3)
- Az.HealthcareApis (= 1.0.1)
- Az.IotHub (= 2.0.1)
- Az.KeyVault (= 1.5.0)
- Az.LogicApp (= 1.3.2)
- Az.MachineLearning (= 1.1.3)
- Az.ManagedServices (= 1.0.2)
- Az.MarketplaceOrdering (= 1.0.2)
- Az.Media (= 1.1.1)
- Az.Monitor (= 1.5.0)
- Az.Network (= 2.3.0)
- Az.NotificationHubs (= 1.1.1)
- Az.OperationalInsights (= 1.3.4)
- Az.PolicyInsights (= 1.2.0)
- Az.PowerBIEmbedded (= 1.1.1)
- Az.PrivateDns (= 1.0.2)
- Az.RecoveryServices (= 2.5.0)
- Az.RedisCache (= 1.2.1)
- Az.Relay (= 1.0.3)
- Az.Resources (= 1.10.0)
- Az.ServiceBus (= 1.4.1)
- Az.ServiceFabric (= 2.0.1)
- Az.SignalR (= 1.1.1)
- Az.Sql (= 2.2.0)
- Az.SqlVirtualMachine (= 1.0.2)
- Az.Storage (= 1.12.0)
- Az.StorageSync (= 1.2.2)
- Az.StreamAnalytics (= 1.0.1)
- Az.TrafficManager (= 1.0.3)
- Az.Websites (= 1.6.0)
Release Notes
3.4.0 - February 2020
* Disable context auto saving when AzureRmContext.json not available
* Update the reference to Azure Powershell Common to 1.3.5-preview
* **Get-AzApiManagementApiSchema** Fixed getting Open-Api Schema associated with an API
* **New-AzApiManagementProduct*** and **Set-AzApiManagementProduct**
- Fix documentation for
* **Set-AzApiManagementApi**
Added example to show how to update the ServiceUrl using the cmdlet
* Limit the number of VM status to 100 to avoid throttling when Get-AzVM -Status is performed without VM name.
* Add Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet cmdlet
* Add EncryptionType and DiskEncryptionSetId parameters to the following cmdlets:
- New-AzDiskUpdateConfig, New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
* Add ColocationStatus parameter to Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup cmdlet.
* Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.7.0
* Adds LIST operations for resources
* Adds capability for performing operations on Health Check steps
* Fix document error of New-AzHDInsightCluster.
* Add Name alias to VaultName attribute to make Remove-AzureKeyVault consistent with New-AzureKeyVault.
* New example added to to demonstrate Traffic Analytics disable scenario.
* Add support for assigning management IP configuration to Azure Firewall - a dedicated subnet and Public IP that the firewall will use for its management traffic
- Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
- Added parameter -ManagementPublicIpAddress (not mandatory) which accepts a Public IP Address object
- Added method SetManagementIpConfiguration on firewall object - requires a subnet and a Public IP address as input - subnet name must be 'AzureFirewallManagementSubnet'
* Corrected Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup examples to show examples for NSG's instead of network interfaces.
* Fixed typo in New-AzureRmVpnSite command that was preventing resource id completer from completing a parameter.
* Added support for Url Confiugration in Rewrite Rules Action Set in the Application Gateway
- New cmdlets added:
- New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleUrlConfiguration
- Cmdlets updated with optional parameter - UrlConfiguration
- New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleActionSet
* Add suppport for NetworkWatcher ConnectionMonitor version 2 resources
* Support evaluating compliance prior to determining what resource to remediate
- Add '-ResourceDiscoverMode' parameter to Start-AzPolicyRemediation
* Add Get-AzPolicyMetadata cmdlet for getting policy metadata resources
* Updated Get-AzPolicyState and Get-AzPolicyStateSummary for API version 2019-10-01
* Azure Site Recovery support for removing a replicated disk.
* Azure Backup added support for adding tags while creating a Recovery Services Vault.
* Make -Scope optional in *-AzPolicyAssignment cmdlets with default to context subscription
* Add examples of creating ADServicePrincipal with password and key credential
Fix New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary cmdlet to check for PartnerDatabaseName existence instead of DatabaseName existence.
* Support set Table/Queue Encryption Keytype in Create Storage Account
- New-AzRmStorageAccount
* Show RequestId when StorageException don't have ExtendedErrorInformation
* Fix the Example 6 of cmdlet Start-AzStorageBlobCopy
* Set-AzWebapp and Set-AzWebappSlot supports AlwaysOn, MinTls and FtpsState properties
* Fixing issue where setting HttpsOnly along with changing AppservicePlan at the same time using the single Set-AzWebApp Command, was resetting HttpsOnly to default value
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
13.1.0 | 3,615,072 | 1/14/2025 |
13.0.0 | 5,354,558 | 11/19/2024 |
12.5.0 | 759,420 | 11/11/2024 |
12.4.0 | 2,987,434 | 10/8/2024 |
12.3.0 | 2,495,393 | 9/3/2024 |
12.2.0 | 1,897,671 | 8/6/2024 |
12.1.0 | 1,771,198 | 7/9/2024 |
12.0.0 | 4,547,394 | 5/21/2024 |
11.6.0 | 1,581,723 | 4/30/2024 |
11.5.0 | 1,752,480 | 4/2/2024 |
11.4.0 | 1,743,361 | 3/5/2024 |
11.3.1 | 1,438,400 | 2/9/2024 |
11.3.0 | 410,413 | 2/6/2024 |
11.2.0 | 1,460,390 | 1/9/2024 |
11.1.0 | 1,557,456 | 12/5/2023 |
11.0.0 | 1,149,595 | 11/14/2023 |
10.4.1 | 2,799,637 | 9/27/2023 |
10.4.0 | 69,111 | 9/26/2023 |
10.3.0 | 2,546,599 | 9/5/2023 |
10.2.0 | 1,280,785 | 8/1/2023 |
10.1.0 | 1,083,896 | 7/4/2023 |
10.0.0 | 1,492,421 | 5/23/2023 |
9.7.1 | 2,181,970 | 4/28/2023 |
9.7.0 | 143,091 | 4/25/2023 |
9.6.0 | 804,855 | 4/4/2023 |
9.5.0 | 1,129,644 | 3/9/2023 |
9.4.0 | 2,069,710 | 2/7/2023 |
9.3.0 | 1,231,514 | 1/10/2023 |
9.2.0 | 1,137,083 | 12/6/2022 |
9.1.1 | 671,344 | 11/17/2022 |
9.1.0 | 548,717 | 11/1/2022 |
9.0.1 | 1,057,747 | 10/17/2022 |
8.3.0 | 1,894,008 | 9/6/2022 |
8.2.0 | 910,341 | 8/2/2022 |
8.1.0 | 671,987 | 7/5/2022 |
8.0.0 | 3,930,628 | 5/24/2022 |
7.5.0 | 4,135,058 | 4/26/2022 |
7.4.0 | 375,224 | 4/5/2022 |
7.3.2 | 465,570 | 3/12/2022 |
7.3.0 | 254,144 | 3/1/2022 |
7.2.1 | 189,914 | 2/18/2022 |
7.2.0 | 288,969 | 2/7/2022 |
7.1.0 | 681,539 | 1/4/2022 |
7.0.0 | 494,886 | 12/7/2021 |
6.6.0 | 2,132,697 | 11/2/2021 |
6.5.0 | 519,885 | 10/12/2021 |
6.4.0 | 755,605 | 9/7/2021 |
6.3.0 | 645,914 | 8/3/2021 |
6.2.1 | 538,306 | 7/9/2021 |
6.2.0 | 67,831 | 7/6/2021 |
6.1.0 | 398,017 | 6/15/2021 |
6.0.0 | 398,554 | 5/25/2021 |
5.9.0 | 3,190,676 | 5/4/2021 |
5.8.0 | 440,753 | 4/13/2021 |
5.7.0 | 666,613 | 3/23/2021 |
5.6.0 | 538,765 | 3/2/2021 |
5.5.0 | 883,700 | 2/9/2021 |
5.4.0 | 1,646,609 | 1/19/2021 |
5.3.0 | 1,472,219 | 12/29/2020 |
5.2.0 | 1,395,635 | 12/8/2020 |
5.1.0 | 1,646,007 | 11/17/2020 |
5.0.0 | 1,713,195 | 10/27/2020 |
4.8.0 | 3,656,841 | 10/13/2020 |
4.7.0 | 265,141 | 9/22/2020 |
4.6.1 | 1,822,385 | 8/28/2020 |
4.6.0 | 118,888 | 8/25/2020 |
4.5.0 | 429,430 | 8/4/2020 |
4.4.0 | 364,574 | 7/14/2020 |
4.3.0 | 410,172 | 6/23/2020 |
4.2.0 | 396,570 | 6/2/2020 |
4.1.0 | 338,653 | 5/19/2020 |
4.0.2-preview | 2,407 | 12/23/2019 |
4.0.1-preview | 1,050 | 10/9/2019 |
3.8.0 | 2,020,310 | 4/21/2020 |
3.7.0 | 299,582 | 3/31/2020 |
3.6.1 | 372,091 | 3/10/2020 |
3.5.0 | 372,586 | 2/18/2020 |
3.4.0 (current version) | 204,738 | 2/4/2020 |
3.3.0 | 382,102 | 1/7/2020 |
3.2.0 | 326,413 | 12/17/2019 |
3.1.0 | 542,230 | 11/26/2019 |
3.0.0 | 461,906 | 11/4/2019 |
2.8.0 | 1,076,392 | 10/15/2019 |
2.7.0 | 184,562 | 9/24/2019 |
2.6.0 | 318,844 | 8/27/2019 |
2.5.0 | 399,347 | 7/30/2019 |
2.4.0 | 176,085 | 7/2/2019 |
2.3.2 | 176,176 | 6/18/2019 |
2.2.0 | 78,560 | 6/4/2019 |
2.1.0 | 70,121 | 5/21/2019 |
2.0.1 | 10,724 | 12/15/2021 |
2.0.0 | 113,265 | 5/6/2019 |
1.8.0 | 366,821 | 4/23/2019 |
1.7.0 | 54,165 | 4/9/2019 |
1.6.0 | 83,044 | 3/26/2019 |
1.5.0 | 55,961 | 3/12/2019 |
1.4.0 | 43,795 | 2/26/2019 |
1.3.0 | 33,041 | 2/12/2019 |
1.2.1 | 25,186 | 1/31/2019 |
1.2.0 | 4,835 | 1/29/2019 |
1.1.0 | 20,105 | 1/15/2019 |
1.0.1 | 33,766 | 12/18/2018 |
1.0.0 | 27,543 | 12/18/2018 |
0.10.0-preview | 13,427 | 4/15/2020 |
0.7.0 | 14,744 | 12/4/2018 |
0.6.1 | 9,449 | 11/21/2018 |
0.5.0 | 9,931 | 11/6/2018 |
0.4.0 | 11,297 | 10/23/2018 |
0.3.0 | 11,060 | 10/9/2018 |
0.2.2 | 5,229 | 9/24/2018 |
0.1.0 | 698 | 8/28/2018 |