

Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Cmdlets to manage resources in Azure. This module is compatible with WindowsPowerShell and PowerShell Core.
For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 5.0.0

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


Azure ARM ResourceManager Linux AzureAutomationNotSupported


Core Desktop


Release Notes

5.0.0 - October 2020
* [Breaking Change] Removed 'Get-AzProfile' and 'Select-AzProfile'
* Replaced Azure Directory Authentication Library with Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL)

* [Breaking Change] Removed parameter alias 'ClientIdAndSecret' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'.
* [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NodeVmSetType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'AvailabilitySet' to 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'.
* [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NetworkPlugin' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'None' to 'azure'.
* [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'NodeOsType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' as it supports only one value Linux.

* Added 'Get-AzBillingAccount' cmdlet
* Added 'Get-AzBillingProfile' cmdlet
* Added 'Get-AzInvoiceSection' cmdlet
* Added new parameters in 'Get-AzBillingInvoice' cmdlet
* Removed properties DownloadUrlExpiry, Type, BillingPeriodNames from the response of Get-AzBillingInvoice cmdlet

* Added cmdlets to support multi-origin and private link functionality

* Updated SDK to 7.4.0-preview.

* Added '-VmssId' parameter to 'New-AzVm'
* Added 'PlatformFaultDomainCount' parameter to the 'New-AzVmss' cmdlet.
* New cmdlet 'Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource'
* Added 'Tier' and 'LogicalSectorSize' optional parameters to the New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
* Added 'Tier', 'MaxSharesCount', 'DiskIOPSReadOnly', and 'DiskMBpsReadOnly' optional parameters to the 'New-AzDiskUpdateConfig' cmdlet.

* [Breaking Change] Updates API version to 2020-05-01
* [Breaking Change] Removed SKU 'Classic' and parameter 'StorageAccountName' from 'New-AzContainerRegistry'
* Added New cmdlets: 'Connect-AzContainerRegistry', 'Import-AzContainerRegistry', 'Get-AzContainerRegistryUsage', 'New-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule', 'Set-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule'
* Added new parameter 'NetworkRuleSet' to 'Update-AzContainerRegistry'

* Fixed a bug that may cause updating databricks workspace without `-EncryptionKeyVersion` to fail.

* Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.12.0
* Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 4.14.7587.7
* Added 'Stop-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' and 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' commands

* Require Location property for creating top level arm objects.
       * Made `ApplicationGroupType` required for `New-AzWvdApplicationGroup`.
       * Made `HostPoolArmPath` required for `New-AzWvdApplicationGroup`.
       * Added `PreferredAppGroupType` for `New-AzWvdHostPool`.

* [Breaking Change] Removed 'IncludeSlot' switch parameter from all but one parameter set of 'Get-AzFunctionApp'. The cmdlet now supports retrieving deployment slots in the results when '-IncludeSlot' is specified.
* Updated 'New-AzFunctionApp':
 - Fixed -DisableApplicationInsights so that no application insights project is created when this option is specified. [#12728]
 - [Breaking Change] Removed support to create PowerShell 6.2 function apps.
 - [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows for PowerShell function apps from 6.2 to 7.0 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
 - [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows and Linux for Node function apps from 10 to 12 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
 - [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Linux for Python function apps from 3.7 to 3.8 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.

* For New-AzHDInsightCluster cmdlet:
    - Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
    - Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
    - Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
    - Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
    - Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
    - Added new parameters: 'StorageFileSystem' and 'StorageAccountManagedIdentity' to support ADLSGen2
    - Added new parameter 'EnableIDBroker' to Support HDInsight ID Broker
    - Added new parameters: 'KafkaClientGroupId', 'KafkaClientGroupName' and 'KafkaManagementNodeSize' to support Kafka Rest Proxy
* For New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig cmdlet:
    - Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
    - Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
    - Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
    - Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
    - Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
* For Set-AzHDInsightDefaultStorage cmdlet:
   - Replaced parameter 'StorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
* For Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile cmdlet:
   - Replaced parameter 'Domain' with 'DomainResourceId'
   - Removed the mandatory requirement for parameter 'OrganizationalUnitDN'

* [Breaking Change] Deprecated parameter DisableSoftDelete in 'New-AzKeyVault' and EnableSoftDelete in 'Update-AzKeyVault'
* [Breaking Change] Removed attribute SecretValueText to avoid displaying SecretValue directly [#12266]
* Supported new resource type: managed HSM
   - CRUD of managed HSM and cmdlets to operate keys on managed HSM
   - Full HSM backup/restore, AES key creation, security domain backup/restore, RBAC

* [Breaking Change] Updated parameters naming conventions and associated examples

* [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'HostedSubnet' and added 'Subnet' instead
* Added new cmdlets for Virtual Router Peer Routes
   - 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerLearnedRoute'
   - 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerAdvertisedRoute'
* Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
   - Added parameter '-SkuTier'
   - Added parameter '-SkuName' and made Sku as Alias for this
   - Removed parameter '-Sku'
* [Breaking Change] Made 'Connectionlink' argument mandatory in 'Start-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture' and 'Stop-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture'
* [Breaking Change] Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' to remove parameter '-Filter'
* [Breaking Change] Replaced 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItemObject' cmdlet with 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItemObject'
* Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' cmdlet:
- Added parameter '-Type'
- Added parameter '-CoverageLevel'
- Added parameter '-Scope'
* Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorProtocolConfigurationObject' cmdlet with new parameter '-DestinationPortBehavior'

* Fixing Workload Restore for contributor permissions.
* Added new parameter sets and validations for Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem cmdlet.

* Fixed parsing bug
* Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to remove preview message from results
* Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets crash if '-WhatIf' is set at a higher scope [#13038]
* Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets does not preserve case for template parameters
* Added a default API version to be used in 'Export-AzResourceGroup' cmdlet
* Added cmdlets for Template Specs ('Get-AzTemplateSpec', 'Set-AzTemplateSpec', 'New-AzTemplateSpec', 'Remove-AzTemplateSpec', 'Export-AzTemplateSpec')
* Added support for deploying Template Specs using existing deployment cmdlets (via the new -TemplateSpecId parameter)
* Updated 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation' to use the SDK.
* Removed '-ApiVersion' parameter from '*-AzDeployment' cmdlets.

* Added DiffBackupIntervalInHours to 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy'
* Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport fails if networkIsolation not specified [#13097]
* Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport and New-AzSqlDatabaseImport were not returning OperationStatusLink in the result object [#13097]
* Update Azure Paired Regions URL in Backup Storage Redundancy Warnings

* Removed obsolete property RestorePolicy.LastEnabledTime
* Change Type of DaysAfterModificationGreaterThan from int to int?
* Supported create/update file share with access tier
* Supported set/update/remove Acl recursively on Datalake Gen2 item
* Supported Container access policy with new permission x,t
* Changed the output of get/set Container access policy cmdlet, by change the child property Permission type from enum to String
* Fixed a sample script issue of set management policy with json

* Added support for Premium V3 pricing tier
* Updated the WebSites SDK to 3.1.0


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
13.2.0 401,779 2/11/2025
13.1.0 4,088,244 1/14/2025
13.0.0 5,356,509 11/19/2024
12.5.0 761,866 11/11/2024
12.4.0 2,990,311 10/8/2024
12.3.0 2,496,322 9/3/2024
12.2.0 1,901,610 8/6/2024
12.1.0 1,786,660 7/9/2024
12.0.0 4,550,512 5/21/2024
11.6.0 1,586,408 4/30/2024
11.5.0 1,752,973 4/2/2024
11.4.0 1,746,199 3/5/2024
11.3.1 1,440,410 2/9/2024
11.3.0 411,680 2/6/2024
11.2.0 1,460,757 1/9/2024
11.1.0 1,557,745 12/5/2023
11.0.0 1,150,679 11/14/2023
10.4.1 2,803,557 9/27/2023
10.4.0 69,111 9/26/2023
10.3.0 2,584,043 9/5/2023
10.2.0 1,280,879 8/1/2023
10.1.0 1,083,980 7/4/2023
10.0.0 1,492,704 5/23/2023
9.7.1 2,186,814 4/28/2023
9.7.0 143,096 4/25/2023
9.6.0 804,993 4/4/2023
9.5.0 1,129,837 3/9/2023
9.4.0 2,110,740 2/7/2023
9.3.0 1,232,297 1/10/2023
9.2.0 1,137,230 12/6/2022
9.1.1 672,005 11/17/2022
9.1.0 549,059 11/1/2022
9.0.1 1,060,382 10/17/2022
8.3.0 1,895,542 9/6/2022
8.2.0 910,916 8/2/2022
8.1.0 672,086 7/5/2022
8.0.0 3,932,172 5/24/2022
7.5.0 4,155,034 4/26/2022
7.4.0 375,438 4/5/2022
7.3.2 465,590 3/12/2022
7.3.0 254,430 3/1/2022
7.2.1 189,929 2/18/2022
7.2.0 289,332 2/7/2022
7.1.0 681,780 1/4/2022
7.0.0 494,951 12/7/2021
6.6.0 2,136,192 11/2/2021
6.5.0 519,900 10/12/2021
6.4.0 755,670 9/7/2021
6.3.0 646,111 8/3/2021
6.2.1 538,715 7/9/2021
6.2.0 67,881 7/6/2021
6.1.0 398,074 6/15/2021
6.0.0 398,673 5/25/2021
5.9.0 3,196,473 5/4/2021
5.8.0 440,756 4/13/2021
5.7.0 666,648 3/23/2021
5.6.0 538,775 3/2/2021
5.5.0 883,718 2/9/2021
5.4.0 1,646,636 1/19/2021
5.3.0 1,472,350 12/29/2020
5.2.0 1,395,645 12/8/2020
5.1.0 1,646,812 11/17/2020
5.0.0 (current version) 1,713,198 10/27/2020
4.8.0 3,668,979 10/13/2020
4.7.0 265,154 9/22/2020
4.6.1 1,822,546 8/28/2020
4.6.0 118,899 8/25/2020
4.5.0 429,508 8/4/2020
4.4.0 364,600 7/14/2020
4.3.0 410,173 6/23/2020
4.2.0 396,627 6/2/2020
4.1.0 338,661 5/19/2020
4.0.2-preview 2,407 12/23/2019
4.0.1-preview 1,050 10/9/2019
3.8.0 2,021,702 4/21/2020
3.7.0 299,584 3/31/2020
3.6.1 372,104 3/10/2020
3.5.0 372,602 2/18/2020
3.4.0 204,738 2/4/2020
3.3.0 382,102 1/7/2020
3.2.0 326,413 12/17/2019
3.1.0 543,384 11/26/2019
3.0.0 461,970 11/4/2019
2.8.0 1,077,282 10/15/2019
2.7.0 184,562 9/24/2019
2.6.0 318,894 8/27/2019
2.5.0 399,598 7/30/2019
2.4.0 176,087 7/2/2019
2.3.2 176,198 6/18/2019
2.2.0 78,561 6/4/2019
2.1.0 70,121 5/21/2019
2.0.1 10,749 12/15/2021
2.0.0 113,324 5/6/2019
1.8.0 366,834 4/23/2019
1.7.0 54,179 4/9/2019
1.6.0 83,044 3/26/2019
1.5.0 55,961 3/12/2019
1.4.0 43,795 2/26/2019
1.3.0 33,041 2/12/2019
1.2.1 25,186 1/31/2019
1.2.0 4,835 1/29/2019
1.1.0 20,105 1/15/2019
1.0.1 33,767 12/18/2018
1.0.0 27,546 12/18/2018
0.10.0-preview 13,427 4/15/2020
0.7.0 14,744 12/4/2018
0.6.1 9,449 11/21/2018
0.5.0 9,931 11/6/2018
0.4.0 11,297 10/23/2018
0.3.0 11,060 10/9/2018
0.2.2 5,229 9/24/2018
0.1.0 698 8/28/2018
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