

Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Cmdlets to manage resources in Azure. This module is compatible with PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 6.2.0

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


Azure ARM ResourceManager Linux AzureAutomationNotSupported


Core Desktop


Release Notes

6.2.0 - July 2021
* Added Tags, AuthorizationSource to PSAzureSusbscripiton and added TenantType, DefaultDomain, TenantBrandingLogoUrl, CountryCode to PSAzureTenant [#15220]
* Upgraded subscription client to 2021-01-01 [#15220]
* Removed Interactive mode check in common lib
* Added endpoint of OperationalInsights to environment AzureChinaCloud [#15305]
* Printed auto generated modules' default logs to verbose stream

* Added parameter 'AvailabilityZone' for 'New-AzAksNodePool'. [#14505]

* Added read only property 'ConnectionString' and 'ApplicationId' to applicationinsights component

* Added optional parameter '-OrchestrationMode' to 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVmssConfig'
* Updated the following cmdlets to work when the resource uses a remote image source using AKS or Shared Image Gallery.
   - 'Update-AzVm'
   - 'Update-AzVmss'
   - 'Update-AzGalleryImageVersion'
* Added parameters '-EnableCrossZoneUpgrade' and '-PrioritizeUnhealthyInstance' to the 'Set-AzVmssRollingUpgradePolicy'  
* Added 'AssessmentMode' parameter to the 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' cmdlet.
* Fixed a bug in 'Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration'
* Fixed IOPS and throughput check in 'Test-AzVMAEMExtension'
* Added new cmdlets for 2020-12-01 DiskRP API version
   - New-AzDiskPurchasePlanConfig
   - Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile
* Changed Cmdlets for 2020-12-01 DiskRP API version
   - New-AzDiskConfig
   - New-AzSnapshotConfig
   - New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
   - New-AzDiskUpdateConfig
   - New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig
   - Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet

* This release introduces the cmdlets for the features of Continuous Backup(Point in time restore):
 - Introduced support for creating accounts with continuous mode backup policy.
 - Introduced support for Point in time restore for accounts with continuous mode backup policy.
 - Introduced support to update the backup interval and backup retention for accounts with periodic mode backup policy.
 - Introduced support to list the restorable resources in a live database account.
 - Introduces support to specify analytical storage schema type on account creation/update.
 - The following cmdlets are added:
   - Restore-AzCosmosDBAccount, New-AzCosmosDBDatabaseToRestore, Get-AzCosmosDBRestorableDatabaseAccount,
   - Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableDatabase, Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableContainer, Get-AzCosmosDBSqlRestorableResource,
   - Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableDatabase, Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableCollection, Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBRestorableResource.

* Added Customer Managed Key Encryption to DataFactory

* Added two additional app settings (WEBSITE_CONTENTSHARE and WEBSITE_CONTENTAZUREFILECONNECTIONSTRING) for Linux Consumption apps. [15124]
* Fixed bug with New-AzFunctionApp when created on Azure Gov. [13379]
* Added Az.Functions cmdlets need to support creating and copying app settings with empty values. [14511]

* Fixed null reference bug for 'Get-AzMetric' when 'ResultType' set to 'Metadata'
* Fixed bug for 'Add-AzAutoscaleSetting' not able to pipe result from 'Get-AzAutoscaleSetting' [#13861]

* Added public ip address as an optional parameter to create route server
   - 'New-AzRouteServer'
* Updated cmdlets to enable specification of edge zone
   - 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'
   - 'New-AzLoadBalancer'
   - 'New-AzPrivateLinkService'
   - 'New-AzPrivateEndpoint'
* Added support for viewing extended location of virtual network in the console
   - 'New-AzVirtualNetwork'
   - 'Get-AzVirtualNetwork'
* Added support for viewing extended location of public IP address in the console
   - 'New-AzPublicIpAddress'
   - 'Get-AzPublicIpAddress'

* Fixed Disable SQL AG AutoProtection.

#### Az.Security
* General availability of Az.Security module
* Changed the name of Get-AzRegulatoryComplainceAssessment to Get-AzRegulatoryComplianceAssessment to fix typo

* Added 'RestrictOutboundNetworkAccess' parameter to following cmdlets
   - 'New-AzSqlServer'
   - 'Set-AzSqlServer'
* Added new cmdlets for CRUD operations on Allowed FQDNs of Outbound Firewall rules
* Fixed the identity logic for SystemAssigned,UserAssigned identities for New-AzSqlServer, New-AzSqlInstance
* Updated cmdlets for getting and updating SQL database's differential backup frequency
* Fixed Partial PUT issue for Azure Policy in 'Set-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'

* Supported enable/disable Blob container soft delete
   -  'Enable-AzStorageContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy'
   -  'Disable-AzStorageContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy'
* Supported list deleted Blob containers
   -  'Get-AzRmStorageContainer'
   -  'Get-AzStorageContainer'
* Supported restore deleted Blob container
   -  'Restore-AzStorageContainer'
* Supported secure SMB setting in File service properties
   - 'Update-AzStorageFileServiceProperty'
* Supported create account with EnableNfsV3
   - 'New-AzStorageAccount'
* Supported input more copy blob parameters from pipeline [#15301]
   -  'Start-AzStorageBlobCopy'

* Fixed 'Import-AzWebAppKeyVaultCertificate' to support ServerFarmId [#15091]
* Fixed 'Added an optional parameter to delete or keep Appservice plan when the last WebApp is removing from plan'


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
12.1.0 1,039,103 7/9/2024
12.0.0 4,428,027 5/21/2024
11.6.0 1,371,420 4/30/2024
11.5.0 1,736,428 4/2/2024
11.4.0 1,644,316 3/5/2024
11.3.1 1,344,953 2/9/2024
11.3.0 247,761 2/6/2024
11.2.0 1,449,288 1/9/2024
11.1.0 1,549,438 12/5/2023
11.0.0 1,125,347 11/14/2023
10.4.1 2,567,545 9/27/2023
10.4.0 68,954 9/26/2023
10.3.0 1,450,737 9/5/2023
10.2.0 1,277,533 8/1/2023
10.1.0 1,079,482 7/4/2023
10.0.0 1,487,110 5/23/2023
9.7.1 1,831,285 4/28/2023
9.7.0 142,844 4/25/2023
9.6.0 798,963 4/4/2023
9.5.0 1,122,874 3/9/2023
9.4.0 1,200,711 2/7/2023
9.3.0 1,207,268 1/10/2023
9.2.0 1,126,902 12/6/2022
9.1.1 654,932 11/17/2022
9.1.0 537,667 11/1/2022
9.0.1 872,261 10/17/2022
8.3.0 1,784,912 9/6/2022
8.2.0 899,820 8/2/2022
8.1.0 668,633 7/5/2022
8.0.0 3,877,668 5/24/2022
7.5.0 3,437,340 4/26/2022
7.4.0 372,408 4/5/2022
7.3.2 464,353 3/12/2022
7.3.0 236,762 3/1/2022
7.2.1 189,603 2/18/2022
7.2.0 256,271 2/7/2022
7.1.0 677,924 1/4/2022
7.0.0 488,779 12/7/2021
6.6.0 1,959,933 11/2/2021
6.5.0 518,829 10/12/2021
6.4.0 752,735 9/7/2021
6.3.0 641,080 8/3/2021
6.2.1 528,591 7/9/2021
6.2.0 (current version) 65,651 7/6/2021
6.1.0 393,416 6/15/2021
6.0.0 394,955 5/25/2021
5.9.0 2,846,092 5/4/2021
5.8.0 440,623 4/13/2021
5.7.0 660,840 3/23/2021
5.6.0 538,431 3/2/2021
5.5.0 877,520 2/9/2021
5.4.0 1,645,916 1/19/2021
5.3.0 1,467,141 12/29/2020
5.2.0 1,391,040 12/8/2020
5.1.0 1,628,472 11/17/2020
5.0.0 1,712,772 10/27/2020
4.8.0 3,278,463 10/13/2020
4.7.0 262,591 9/22/2020
4.6.1 1,818,186 8/28/2020
4.6.0 118,478 8/25/2020
4.5.0 426,275 8/4/2020
4.4.0 362,787 7/14/2020
4.3.0 409,863 6/23/2020
4.2.0 393,093 6/2/2020
4.1.0 338,364 5/19/2020
4.0.2-preview 2,403 12/23/2019
4.0.1-preview 1,046 10/9/2019
3.8.0 1,969,135 4/21/2020
3.7.0 298,978 3/31/2020
3.6.1 371,736 3/10/2020
3.5.0 372,129 2/18/2020
3.4.0 204,730 2/4/2020
3.3.0 382,089 1/7/2020
3.2.0 326,407 12/17/2019
3.1.0 509,272 11/26/2019
3.0.0 460,346 11/4/2019
2.8.0 1,030,866 10/15/2019
2.7.0 184,528 9/24/2019
2.6.0 317,603 8/27/2019
2.5.0 392,078 7/30/2019
2.4.0 176,049 7/2/2019
2.3.2 175,453 6/18/2019
2.2.0 78,537 6/4/2019
2.1.0 70,100 5/21/2019
2.0.1 9,922 12/15/2021
2.0.0 110,883 5/6/2019
1.8.0 366,009 4/23/2019
1.7.0 53,963 4/9/2019
1.6.0 82,847 3/26/2019
1.5.0 55,956 3/12/2019
1.4.0 43,788 2/26/2019
1.3.0 33,036 2/12/2019
1.2.1 25,181 1/31/2019
1.2.0 4,831 1/29/2019
1.1.0 20,098 1/15/2019
1.0.1 33,756 12/18/2018
1.0.0 27,199 12/18/2018
0.10.0-preview 13,152 4/15/2020
0.7.0 14,699 12/4/2018
0.6.1 9,446 11/21/2018
0.5.0 9,928 11/6/2018
0.4.0 11,292 10/23/2018
0.3.0 11,055 10/9/2018
0.2.2 5,226 9/24/2018
0.1.0 695 8/28/2018
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