

Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Cmdlets to manage resources in Azure. This module is compatible with PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 8.1.0

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


Azure ARM ResourceManager Linux AzureAutomationNotSupported


Core Desktop


Release Notes

8.1.0 - July 2022
* Supported exporting and importing configurations by 'Export-AzConfig' and 'Import-AzConfig'.
* Fixed an issue that Az.Accounts may fail to be imported in parallel PowerShell processes. [#18321]
* Fixed incorrect access token [#18105]
* Upgraded version of Microsoft.Identity.Client for .NET Framework. [#18495]
* Fixed an issue that Az.Accounts failed to be imported if multiple environment variables, which only differ by case, are set. [#18304]

* Added parameter 'CommandContextAttachmentZip' for 'Invoke-AzAksRunCommand'. [#17454]
* Added ManagedIdentity support for Aks[#15656].
* Added property 'PowerState' for the output of 'Get-AzAksCluster'[#18271]
* Updated the logic of 'Set-AzAksCluster' for parameter 'NodeImageOnly'.
* Added parameter 'NodeImageOnly' for 'Update-AzAksNodePool'.
* Added parameter 'AvailabilityZone' for 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#18658]

* Fixed parameters for Set-AzApplicationInsightsDailyCap [#18315]
* Fixed parameter 'DocumentType' for 'New-AzApplicationInsightsContinuousExport' and 'Set-AzApplicationInsightsContinuousExport' [#18350]
* Fixed parameter 'ResourceId' for 'Get-AzApplicationInsights' [#18707]

* Added image alias 'Win2022AzureEditionCore'
* Added the '-DisableIntegrityMonitoring' switch parameter to the 'New-AzVM' cmdlet.
 Changed the default behavior for 'New-AzVM' and 'New-AzVmss' when these conditions are met:
 1) '-DisableIntegrityMonitoring' is not true.
 2) 'SecurityType' on the SecurityProfile is 'TrustedLaunch'.
 3) 'VTpmEnabled' on the SecurityProfile is true.
 4) 'SecureBootEnabled' on the SecurityProfile is true.
 Now 'New-AzVM' will install the 'Guest Attestation' extension to the new VM when these conditions are met.
 Now 'New-AzVmss' will install the 'Guest Attestation' extension to the new Vmss when these conditions are met and installed to all VM instances in the Vmss.
* Added '-UserAssignedIdentity' and '-FederatedClientId' to the following cmdlets:
   - 'New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig'
   - 'Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet'
* Added '-TreatFailureAsDeploymentFailure' to cmdlets 'Add-AzVmGalleryApplication' and 'Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication'
* Removed Exceptions for when SinglePlacementGroup is set to true in 'OrchestrationMode'

* Added support for partition key and id paths to be part of client encryption policy.
* Fixed bug related to Update-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer command on containers with Client Encryption Policy.

* Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 6.3.0

* Added cmdlets for CRUD operations on EventHub Application Groups. The added cmdlets include,
* Get-AzEventHubNamespace returned a maximum of 100 namespaces for list by resource groups or list by subscriptions so far. From here onwards, for resource groups and subscriptions with over a 100 namespaces, the cmdlet will return all the namespaces. You will not see a change in the cmdlet behaviour if your resource groups or subscriptions have less than a 100 namespaces.
* Added cmdlets for manual approval of EventHubs Private Endpoint Connections. The added cmdlets include,

* Supported importing pem certificate by 'Import-AzKeyVaultCertificate' [#18494]
* Supported accepting rotation policy in a JSON file
* [Breaking Change] Changed parameter 'ExpiresIn' in 'Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' from TimeSpan? to string. It must be an ISO 8601 duration like 'P30D' for 30 days.
* [Breaking Change] Changed output properties 'ExpiresIn', 'TimeAfterCreate' and 'TimeBeforeExpiry' of 'Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' and 'Get-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' from TimeSpan? to string.
* Supported creating/updating key with release policy in a Managed HSM
* Removed default value for 'EnabledForDeployment', 'EnabledForTemplateDeployment', 'EnabledForDiskEncryption' and 'EnableRbacAuthorization' during the process of key vault creation
* Changed default access policies for Key Vault secret, certificate and storage as 'All'

* Added support for CustomV2 ssl policies for Application Gateway.
   - Added 'CustomV2' to the validation set of 'PolicyType'
   - Added 'TLSv1_3' to the validation set of 'MinProtocolVersion'
   - Removed validation for null or empty cipher suites list since there can be empty cipher suites list for min protocol version of tls1.3
* [Breaking Change] Changed default value of '-PrivateEndpointNetworkPoliciesFlag' to 'Disabled' in 'Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig' and 'New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig'
* Fixed bugs that cannot parse virtual network encryption paramemters when updating exsiting vnet.

* Updated SKU allowed values to support A7 and A8

* Fixed delay in long running operations [#18567]

* Added feedback when deleting role assignments even if passthru is not used
* Fixed relative path failure in -AsJob scenario [#18084]
* Fixed logic of 'createtime' and 'ChangedTime' in 'Get-AzResource --ExpandProperties'. [#18206]
* Fixed role assignment latency for 'New-AzADServicePrincipal' [#16777]

* Added cmdlets for manual approval of Service Bus Private Endpoint Connections. The added cmdlets include,

* Fixed typo in verbose log message.
* Added Tag support for managed cluster create and update

* Added 'GeoZone' option to 'BackupStorageRedundancy' parameter to 'New-AzSqlDatabase', 'Set-AzSqlDatabase', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy', 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary', and 'Restore-AzSqlDatabase' to enable create, update, copy, geo secondary and PITR support for GeoZone hyperscale databases
* Added additional input validation to 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet to ensure the target database was created by log replay service
* Bug fix for cmdlet 'Restore-AzSqlDatabase'. The optional property 'Tags' was not working as expected
* Added isManagedIdentityInUse get parameter for 'Get-AzSqlServerAudit' and 'Get-AzSqlDatabaseAudit'
* Added new cmdlet 'Set-AzSqlInstanceDatabase'

* Added support to Stack HCI Cluster
* Added support to Stack HCI Extension
* Added support to Stack HCI Arc Settings

* Supported BaseBlob DaysAfterCreationGreaterThan in Management Policy
   -  'Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction'


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
12.1.0 1,039,103 7/9/2024
12.0.0 4,428,027 5/21/2024
11.6.0 1,371,420 4/30/2024
11.5.0 1,736,428 4/2/2024
11.4.0 1,644,316 3/5/2024
11.3.1 1,344,953 2/9/2024
11.3.0 247,761 2/6/2024
11.2.0 1,449,288 1/9/2024
11.1.0 1,549,438 12/5/2023
11.0.0 1,125,347 11/14/2023
10.4.1 2,567,545 9/27/2023
10.4.0 68,954 9/26/2023
10.3.0 1,450,737 9/5/2023
10.2.0 1,277,533 8/1/2023
10.1.0 1,079,482 7/4/2023
10.0.0 1,487,110 5/23/2023
9.7.1 1,831,285 4/28/2023
9.7.0 142,844 4/25/2023
9.6.0 798,963 4/4/2023
9.5.0 1,122,874 3/9/2023
9.4.0 1,200,711 2/7/2023
9.3.0 1,207,268 1/10/2023
9.2.0 1,126,902 12/6/2022
9.1.1 654,932 11/17/2022
9.1.0 537,667 11/1/2022
9.0.1 872,261 10/17/2022
8.3.0 1,784,912 9/6/2022
8.2.0 899,820 8/2/2022
8.1.0 (current version) 668,633 7/5/2022
8.0.0 3,877,668 5/24/2022
7.5.0 3,437,340 4/26/2022
7.4.0 372,408 4/5/2022
7.3.2 464,353 3/12/2022
7.3.0 236,762 3/1/2022
7.2.1 189,603 2/18/2022
7.2.0 256,271 2/7/2022
7.1.0 677,924 1/4/2022
7.0.0 488,779 12/7/2021
6.6.0 1,959,933 11/2/2021
6.5.0 518,829 10/12/2021
6.4.0 752,735 9/7/2021
6.3.0 641,080 8/3/2021
6.2.1 528,591 7/9/2021
6.2.0 65,651 7/6/2021
6.1.0 393,416 6/15/2021
6.0.0 394,955 5/25/2021
5.9.0 2,846,092 5/4/2021
5.8.0 440,623 4/13/2021
5.7.0 660,840 3/23/2021
5.6.0 538,431 3/2/2021
5.5.0 877,520 2/9/2021
5.4.0 1,645,916 1/19/2021
5.3.0 1,467,141 12/29/2020
5.2.0 1,391,040 12/8/2020
5.1.0 1,628,472 11/17/2020
5.0.0 1,712,772 10/27/2020
4.8.0 3,278,463 10/13/2020
4.7.0 262,591 9/22/2020
4.6.1 1,818,186 8/28/2020
4.6.0 118,478 8/25/2020
4.5.0 426,275 8/4/2020
4.4.0 362,787 7/14/2020
4.3.0 409,863 6/23/2020
4.2.0 393,093 6/2/2020
4.1.0 338,364 5/19/2020
4.0.2-preview 2,403 12/23/2019
4.0.1-preview 1,046 10/9/2019
3.8.0 1,969,135 4/21/2020
3.7.0 298,978 3/31/2020
3.6.1 371,736 3/10/2020
3.5.0 372,129 2/18/2020
3.4.0 204,730 2/4/2020
3.3.0 382,089 1/7/2020
3.2.0 326,407 12/17/2019
3.1.0 509,272 11/26/2019
3.0.0 460,346 11/4/2019
2.8.0 1,030,866 10/15/2019
2.7.0 184,528 9/24/2019
2.6.0 317,603 8/27/2019
2.5.0 392,078 7/30/2019
2.4.0 176,049 7/2/2019
2.3.2 175,453 6/18/2019
2.2.0 78,537 6/4/2019
2.1.0 70,100 5/21/2019
2.0.1 9,922 12/15/2021
2.0.0 110,883 5/6/2019
1.8.0 366,009 4/23/2019
1.7.0 53,963 4/9/2019
1.6.0 82,847 3/26/2019
1.5.0 55,956 3/12/2019
1.4.0 43,788 2/26/2019
1.3.0 33,036 2/12/2019
1.2.1 25,181 1/31/2019
1.2.0 4,831 1/29/2019
1.1.0 20,098 1/15/2019
1.0.1 33,756 12/18/2018
1.0.0 27,199 12/18/2018
0.10.0-preview 13,152 4/15/2020
0.7.0 14,699 12/4/2018
0.6.1 9,446 11/21/2018
0.5.0 9,928 11/6/2018
0.4.0 11,292 10/23/2018
0.3.0 11,055 10/9/2018
0.2.2 5,226 9/24/2018
0.1.0 695 8/28/2018
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