

Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Cmdlets to manage resources in Azure. This module is compatible with PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 9.1.0

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


Azure ARM ResourceManager Linux AzureAutomationNotSupported


Core Desktop


Release Notes

9.1.0 - November 2022
* Updated 'Get-AzSubscription' to retrieve subscription by Id rather than listed all the subscriptions from server if subscription Id is provided. [#19115]

* Updated CognitiveServices PowerShell to use 2022-10-01 version.

* Fixed EdgeZone does not pass to VM for 'New-AzVM' 'SimpleParameterSet' [#18978]
* Added 'ScriptFilePath' parameter set for 'Set-AzVMRunCommand' and 'Set-AzVmssVMRunCommand' to allow users to pass in the path of the file that has the run command script
* Added '-AsJob' optional parameter to 'Remove-AzVMExtension' cmdlet.
* Added '-EdgeZone' optional parameter for 'Get-AzComputeResourceSku' and 'New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig' cmdlets.
* Added Disk Delete Optional parameters 'OsDisk Deletion Option' and 'Delete Option' to the 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' (OS Disk) and 'Add-AzVmssDataDisk' (Data Disk)
* Improved printed output for 'Get-AzComputeResourceSku'
* Updated 'Get-AzHost' cmdlet logic to return Host for '-ResourceId' parameterset.
* Added '-OSDiskSizeGB' optional parameter for 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile'.
* Improved cmdlet description for 'Set-AzVM' and added examples.
* Updated property mapping for parameter 'Encryption' of 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion'
* Updated list format to display all VmssVmRunCommand properties for 'Get-AzVmssVmRunCommand'
* Updated 'Get-AzGallery', 'New-AzGallery', 'Update-AzGallery', 'Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition', 'Get-AzGalleryImageVersion', 'New-AzVm' and 'New-AzVmss' to support community galleries

* Added 'RequiredNsgRule' parameter in the 'Update-AzDatabricksWorkspace'.

* Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 7.0.0

* Fixed list parameter set for 'Get-AzDataProtectionBackupVault'

* Updated to use the 2022-06-15 API version.
* Added new features:
   - Partner topics
   - Partner topic event subscriptions
   - Partner namespaces
   - Partner namespace keys
   - Partner configurations
   - Partner registrations
   - Verified partners
   - Channels

* Added readonly Status property in EventHub Namespace

* Added warning logs to detect Az context switching in Get-AzFunctionApp

* Bumped API version to 2022-07-01
* Added 'Undo-AzKeyVaultManagedHsm' to recover deleted managed HSM

* Supported Create/Get/Update/Remove Federated Identity Credentials on a User Assigned Managed Identity
 * 'Get-AzFederatedIdentityCredentials'
 * 'New-AzFederatedIdentityCredentials'
 * 'Remove-AzFederatedIdentityCredentials'
 * 'Update-AzFederatedIdentityCredentials'
* Supported List Associated Resources on a User Assigned Managed Identity
 * 'Get-AzUserAssignedIdentityAssociatedResource'

* Added parameter 'CacheStorageAccountId' to 'Initialize-AzMigrateReplicationInfrastructure'
* Added support for OS Disk Swap and Test Migrate Subnet Selection

* Added possible value 'LocalGateway' for parameter 'GatewayType'
   - 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway'
* Exposed 'ExtendedLocation' and 'VNetExtendedLocationResourceId' for 'VirtualNetworkGateway'
   - 'Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway'
* Added new cmdlet to get firewall learned ip prefixes
   * 'Get-AzFirewallLearnedIpPrefix'
* Fixed a bug that does not update firewall policy application, network and nat rules' descriptions even though description is provided via description parameter
* Updated 'New-AzIpConfigurationBgpPeeringAddressObject' to remove validate null or empty check for CustomAddress in Azure Virtual Network Gateway
* Updated 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway' to add validate null or empty check for CustomAddress in Azure Virtual Network Gateway
* Updated cmdlets to add new property of 'VirtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroup' and 'VpnClientConnectionConfiguration' in Azure Virtual Network Gateway
   * 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway'
   * 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway'
* Added new cmdlets to create
   * 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroup'
   * 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroupMember'
   * 'New-AzVpnClientConnectionConfiguration'
* Added message in breaking change attribute to notify that load balancer sku default behavior will be changed
   * 'New-AzLoadBalancer'
* Added cmdlet preview to notify customers to use default value or leave null for load balancer probe threshold property
   * 'New-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
   * 'Set-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'
   * 'Add-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig'

* Added support for cross zonal restore for ZRS vaults for non-ZonePinned VM
* Fixed bug with Update-AzRecoveryServicesAsrProtectionContainerMapping
* Added new scenarios: EZ-to-AZ, EZ-to-AZ, EZ-to-EZ
* Removed 'VmName' from non A2A scenarios of 'New-AzRecoveryServicesAsrReplicationProtectedItem' as it is not applicable

* Fixed parameter 'Count' for
   - Get-AzADApplication
   - Get-AzADServicePrincipal
   - Get-AzADUser
* Polished preview warning message for:
   - Add-AzADGroupMember
   - Get-AzADGroupMember
   - Remove-AzADGroupMember
* Fixed a 'NullReferenceException' when deploying a JSON template using Bicep extensibility
* Added '-AsJob' to support running 'Register-AzResourceProvider' as a Job

* Added new cmdlets for CRUD operations on SQL server IPv6 Firewall rules
* StorageContainerSasToken parameter in the 'Start-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay' cmdlet is now optional

* Supported WDAC compliant APIs
* Fixed module versions of dependent PS modules
* Updated Remote Support cmdlets to check device type between HCIv2 and AzureEdge

* Supported generate DataLakeGen2 Sas token with Encryption scope
   -  'New-AzDataLakeGen2SasToken'
* Supported blob type conversions in sync blob copy
   - 'Copy-AzStorageBlob'
* Supported create/upgrade storage account with Keyvault from another tenant and access Keyvault with FederatedClientId
 * 'New-AzStorageAccount'
 * 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
* Supported find blobs in a container with a blob tag filter sql expression
 * 'Get-AzStorageBlobByTag'
* Migrated following Azure File dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File' to 'Azure.Storage.Files.Shares'
 * 'Get-AzStorageFileHandle'
 * 'Close-AzStorageFileHandle'

* Fixed 'Publish-AzWebApp' to use latest publish API when deploying war package [#19791]


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
13.1.0 3,683,435 1/14/2025
13.0.0 5,354,709 11/19/2024
12.5.0 759,616 11/11/2024
12.4.0 2,987,742 10/8/2024
12.3.0 2,495,528 9/3/2024
12.2.0 1,898,086 8/6/2024
12.1.0 1,772,437 7/9/2024
12.0.0 4,547,653 5/21/2024
11.6.0 1,582,077 4/30/2024
11.5.0 1,752,505 4/2/2024
11.4.0 1,743,558 3/5/2024
11.3.1 1,438,581 2/9/2024
11.3.0 410,443 2/6/2024
11.2.0 1,460,414 1/9/2024
11.1.0 1,557,473 12/5/2023
11.0.0 1,149,691 11/14/2023
10.4.1 2,799,855 9/27/2023
10.4.0 69,111 9/26/2023
10.3.0 2,549,355 9/5/2023
10.2.0 1,280,786 8/1/2023
10.1.0 1,083,906 7/4/2023
10.0.0 1,492,440 5/23/2023
9.7.1 2,182,362 4/28/2023
9.7.0 143,091 4/25/2023
9.6.0 804,868 4/4/2023
9.5.0 1,129,656 3/9/2023
9.4.0 2,072,278 2/7/2023
9.3.0 1,231,615 1/10/2023
9.2.0 1,137,100 12/6/2022
9.1.1 671,459 11/17/2022
9.1.0 (current version) 548,743 11/1/2022
9.0.1 1,057,975 10/17/2022
8.3.0 1,894,123 9/6/2022
8.2.0 910,353 8/2/2022
8.1.0 671,991 7/5/2022
8.0.0 3,930,638 5/24/2022
7.5.0 4,136,378 4/26/2022
7.4.0 375,230 4/5/2022
7.3.2 465,571 3/12/2022
7.3.0 254,163 3/1/2022
7.2.1 189,914 2/18/2022
7.2.0 289,002 2/7/2022
7.1.0 681,571 1/4/2022
7.0.0 494,890 12/7/2021
6.6.0 2,132,976 11/2/2021
6.5.0 519,887 10/12/2021
6.4.0 755,609 9/7/2021
6.3.0 645,927 8/3/2021
6.2.1 538,341 7/9/2021
6.2.0 67,834 7/6/2021
6.1.0 398,026 6/15/2021
6.0.0 398,556 5/25/2021
5.9.0 3,191,140 5/4/2021
5.8.0 440,753 4/13/2021
5.7.0 666,624 3/23/2021
5.6.0 538,767 3/2/2021
5.5.0 883,700 2/9/2021
5.4.0 1,646,609 1/19/2021
5.3.0 1,472,232 12/29/2020
5.2.0 1,395,637 12/8/2020
5.1.0 1,646,052 11/17/2020
5.0.0 1,713,195 10/27/2020
4.8.0 3,657,797 10/13/2020
4.7.0 265,144 9/22/2020
4.6.1 1,822,399 8/28/2020
4.6.0 118,888 8/25/2020
4.5.0 429,440 8/4/2020
4.4.0 364,574 7/14/2020
4.3.0 410,172 6/23/2020
4.2.0 396,575 6/2/2020
4.1.0 338,653 5/19/2020
4.0.2-preview 2,407 12/23/2019
4.0.1-preview 1,050 10/9/2019
3.8.0 2,020,422 4/21/2020
3.7.0 299,582 3/31/2020
3.6.1 372,094 3/10/2020
3.5.0 372,586 2/18/2020
3.4.0 204,738 2/4/2020
3.3.0 382,102 1/7/2020
3.2.0 326,413 12/17/2019
3.1.0 542,334 11/26/2019
3.0.0 461,912 11/4/2019
2.8.0 1,076,467 10/15/2019
2.7.0 184,562 9/24/2019
2.6.0 318,850 8/27/2019
2.5.0 399,367 7/30/2019
2.4.0 176,087 7/2/2019
2.3.2 176,178 6/18/2019
2.2.0 78,560 6/4/2019
2.1.0 70,121 5/21/2019
2.0.1 10,724 12/15/2021
2.0.0 113,275 5/6/2019
1.8.0 366,824 4/23/2019
1.7.0 54,165 4/9/2019
1.6.0 83,044 3/26/2019
1.5.0 55,961 3/12/2019
1.4.0 43,795 2/26/2019
1.3.0 33,041 2/12/2019
1.2.1 25,186 1/31/2019
1.2.0 4,835 1/29/2019
1.1.0 20,105 1/15/2019
1.0.1 33,766 12/18/2018
1.0.0 27,543 12/18/2018
0.10.0-preview 13,427 4/15/2020
0.7.0 14,744 12/4/2018
0.6.1 9,449 11/21/2018
0.5.0 9,931 11/6/2018
0.4.0 11,297 10/23/2018
0.3.0 11,060 10/9/2018
0.2.2 5,229 9/24/2018
0.1.0 698 8/28/2018
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