

Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Cmdlets to manage resources in Azure. This module is compatible with PowerShell and Windows PowerShell.
For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Az -RequiredVersion 6.6.0

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


Azure ARM ResourceManager Linux AzureAutomationNotSupported


Core Desktop


Release Notes

6.6.0 - November 2021
* Added new version of AAD service client using Microsoft Graph API

* Added support for new parameters 'NetworkPolicy', 'PodCidr', 'ServiceCidr', 'DnsServiceIP', 'DockerBridgeCidr', 'NodePoolLabel', 'AksCustomHeader' in 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#13795]
* Added warnings of upcoming breaking change of migrating to Microsoft Graph.
* Added support for changing the number of nodes in a node pool. [#12379]

* Fixed a bug in 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccess' cmdlet.

* Removed assembly 'System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll' [#16062]

* Added cmdlets for adding VMGalleryApplication property to VM/VMSS
   - New-AzVmGalleryApplication
   - New-AzVmssGalleryApplication
   - Add-AzVmGalleryApplication
   - Add-AzVmssGalleryApplication
   - Remove-AzVmGalleryApplication
   - Remove-AzVmssGalleryApplication
* Added support for proxy and debug settings for VM Extension for SAP (AEM)
* Updated New-AzGalleryImageVersion to take in the 'Encryption' property correctly from '-TargetRegion' parameter.
* Updated Set-AzVmBootDiagnostic to default to managed storage account if not provided.
* Edited New-AzVmss defaulting behavior when 'OrchestrationMode' is set to Flexible.
   - Removed NAT Pool.
   - Removed UpgradePolicy. Throws an error if provided.
   - SinglePlacementGroup must be false. Throws an error if true.
   - Networking Profile's API version is 2020-11-01 or later.
   - Networking Profile IP Configurations Primary property is set to true.

* Introduced Get-AzCosmosDBMongoDBBackupInformation to retrieve latest backup information for MongoDB.
* Updated New-AzCosmosDBAccount, Update-AzCosmosDBAccount to accept BackupStorageRedundancy
* Introduced Get-AzCosmosDBLocation to list Azure CosmosDB Account and its locations properties.

* Added PublicNetworkAccess to Update_AzDataFactoryV2 Command
* Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.26.0

* Upgraded api version to 2021-07-12.

* Added support for Premium sku and namesapce and optional switch parameter 'DisableLocalAuth' to 'New-AzEventHubNamespace' and 'Set-AzEventHubNamespace'

* Enabled function app creation for Functions V4 stacks [#15919]

* Updated IoT Hub Management SDK to version 4.1.0 (api-version 2021-07-10)

* Added warning message of upcoming breaking change to 'New-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition' and 'Get-AzKeyVaultRoleDefinition'.
   - To comply with the syntax of 'New-AzRoleDefinition' and 'Get-AzRoleDefinition' we are going to rename some of the properties of 'PSKeyVaultPermission' model, which might affect these two cmdlets.
* Added warnings of upcoming breaking change of migrating to Microsoft Graph.

* Added check for invalid IP address

* Fixed a bug in 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService: when linked service does not exist, perform create(update) instead of failing'

* Azure Backup fixed issues with StorageConfig
* Azure Backup added NodesList and AutoProtectionPolicy to Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectableItem Cmdlets.
* Azure Backup fixed GetItemsForContainerParamSet to support fetching the MAB backup item.
* Azure Backup fixed Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer to support BackupManagementType MAB instead of MARS.
* Added breaking change warning: 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob', 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainer' and 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectableItem' commands will only support 'BackupManagementType MAB' instead of 'MARS' alias, changes will take effect from upcoming breaking release.
* Added support for ZRS disk type for Azure to Azure replication.
* Added Availability zone information in replicated protected item response for Azure to Azure replication.

* Created new examples in documentation of 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache'.

* Fixed a bug about the exitcode of Bicep [#16055]
* Added breaking change warnings for AAD cmdlets
* Added property 'UIFormDefinition' to Template Spec Versions,  'Export-AzTemplateSpec' will now include a Template Spec Version's UIFormDefinition (if any) as part of the export.
* Added error catching for role assignment creation fail while creating a Service Principal
* Performance improvement for Get-AzPolicyAlias when -NamespaceMatch matches a single RP namespace

* Updated Security .NET SDK package reference to version 3.0.0

* Added support for ZoneRedundant and optional switch parameter 'DisableLocalAuth' to 'New-AzServiceBusNamespace' and 'Set-AzServiceBusNamespace'

* Added Web PubSub cmdlets
 - 'New-AzWebPubSub'
 - 'Get-AzWebPubSub'
 - 'Update-AzWebPubSub'
 - 'Restart-AzWebPubSub'
 - 'Remove-AzWebPubSub'
 - 'New-AzWebPubSubHub'
 - 'Get-AzWebPubSubHub'
 - 'Remove-AzWebPubSubHub'
 - 'New-AzWebPubSubKey'
 - 'Get-AzWebPubSubKey'
 - 'Get-AzWebPubSubSku'
 - 'Get-AzWebPubSubUsage'
 - 'Test-AzWebPubSubNameAvailability'


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
12.1.0 1,039,103 7/9/2024
12.0.0 4,428,027 5/21/2024
11.6.0 1,371,420 4/30/2024
11.5.0 1,736,428 4/2/2024
11.4.0 1,644,316 3/5/2024
11.3.1 1,344,953 2/9/2024
11.3.0 247,761 2/6/2024
11.2.0 1,449,288 1/9/2024
11.1.0 1,549,438 12/5/2023
11.0.0 1,125,347 11/14/2023
10.4.1 2,567,545 9/27/2023
10.4.0 68,954 9/26/2023
10.3.0 1,450,737 9/5/2023
10.2.0 1,277,533 8/1/2023
10.1.0 1,079,482 7/4/2023
10.0.0 1,487,110 5/23/2023
9.7.1 1,831,285 4/28/2023
9.7.0 142,844 4/25/2023
9.6.0 798,963 4/4/2023
9.5.0 1,122,874 3/9/2023
9.4.0 1,200,711 2/7/2023
9.3.0 1,207,268 1/10/2023
9.2.0 1,126,902 12/6/2022
9.1.1 654,932 11/17/2022
9.1.0 537,667 11/1/2022
9.0.1 872,261 10/17/2022
8.3.0 1,784,912 9/6/2022
8.2.0 899,820 8/2/2022
8.1.0 668,633 7/5/2022
8.0.0 3,877,668 5/24/2022
7.5.0 3,437,340 4/26/2022
7.4.0 372,408 4/5/2022
7.3.2 464,353 3/12/2022
7.3.0 236,762 3/1/2022
7.2.1 189,603 2/18/2022
7.2.0 256,271 2/7/2022
7.1.0 677,924 1/4/2022
7.0.0 488,779 12/7/2021
6.6.0 (current version) 1,959,933 11/2/2021
6.5.0 518,829 10/12/2021
6.4.0 752,735 9/7/2021
6.3.0 641,080 8/3/2021
6.2.1 528,591 7/9/2021
6.2.0 65,651 7/6/2021
6.1.0 393,416 6/15/2021
6.0.0 394,955 5/25/2021
5.9.0 2,846,092 5/4/2021
5.8.0 440,623 4/13/2021
5.7.0 660,840 3/23/2021
5.6.0 538,431 3/2/2021
5.5.0 877,520 2/9/2021
5.4.0 1,645,916 1/19/2021
5.3.0 1,467,141 12/29/2020
5.2.0 1,391,040 12/8/2020
5.1.0 1,628,472 11/17/2020
5.0.0 1,712,772 10/27/2020
4.8.0 3,278,463 10/13/2020
4.7.0 262,591 9/22/2020
4.6.1 1,818,186 8/28/2020
4.6.0 118,478 8/25/2020
4.5.0 426,275 8/4/2020
4.4.0 362,787 7/14/2020
4.3.0 409,863 6/23/2020
4.2.0 393,093 6/2/2020
4.1.0 338,364 5/19/2020
4.0.2-preview 2,403 12/23/2019
4.0.1-preview 1,046 10/9/2019
3.8.0 1,969,135 4/21/2020
3.7.0 298,978 3/31/2020
3.6.1 371,736 3/10/2020
3.5.0 372,129 2/18/2020
3.4.0 204,730 2/4/2020
3.3.0 382,089 1/7/2020
3.2.0 326,407 12/17/2019
3.1.0 509,272 11/26/2019
3.0.0 460,346 11/4/2019
2.8.0 1,030,866 10/15/2019
2.7.0 184,528 9/24/2019
2.6.0 317,603 8/27/2019
2.5.0 392,078 7/30/2019
2.4.0 176,049 7/2/2019
2.3.2 175,453 6/18/2019
2.2.0 78,537 6/4/2019
2.1.0 70,100 5/21/2019
2.0.1 9,922 12/15/2021
2.0.0 110,883 5/6/2019
1.8.0 366,009 4/23/2019
1.7.0 53,963 4/9/2019
1.6.0 82,847 3/26/2019
1.5.0 55,956 3/12/2019
1.4.0 43,788 2/26/2019
1.3.0 33,036 2/12/2019
1.2.1 25,181 1/31/2019
1.2.0 4,831 1/29/2019
1.1.0 20,098 1/15/2019
1.0.1 33,756 12/18/2018
1.0.0 27,199 12/18/2018
0.10.0-preview 13,152 4/15/2020
0.7.0 14,699 12/4/2018
0.6.1 9,446 11/21/2018
0.5.0 9,928 11/6/2018
0.4.0 11,292 10/23/2018
0.3.0 11,055 10/9/2018
0.2.2 5,226 9/24/2018
0.1.0 695 8/28/2018
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